First AIDS testing day in Image. Here, men getting ready to drum.

Some Image Villagers waiting to test for AIDS

My women's choir singing the song they wrote about AIDS prevention for me

Kiddos chilling at the testing day

Part of the testing line

Clevel and I, chatting at Image AIDS Day

A rat's last moments, attempting to enter my living room window into the cat house... big mistake.

Exhaustion from campaigning in my village every second of everyday the week leading up to my testing day.

Signs announcing a meeting for Image villagers to learn more about AIDS prevention.

Don't worry, Mom, it's fake. My henna tattoo, artwork courtesy of Margaret.

Some of my friends.

Teaching English at the primary school

Girls digging at the primary school farm

Girls hauling water for the primary school's tree farm. Notice the boy in the foreground with his shredded school uniform sweater. Most kids wear hand-me-down uniforms until they are unwearable.

Primary school tree planting. Timber is the main income generating crop for Image villagers.

Two boys tree planting

Fire Building

At Home.

One of my bibis (grandmothers)

A bibi teaching me how to cook pombe (home brewed alcohol made from corn) over the fire.

Giza's first family. She is the little dark one.

Mary, after Msanga's wedding. Our primary school is in the background.

Mama Lau braiding Jen's hair before she left.

Clevel, balloon blowing

Mwalango's new baby, Ima.
The pictures tell it all.What a life for the people of your Village and for you. You make us all so proud.Loved the Margaret hair ..Hugs to all. Carol
I LOVE seeing these photos!! You're beautiful. Can't wait to talk to you later today!
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