March 31- April10, 2010
I don’t have time to write about the trip today, but thought that I would post some pictures as a teaser. It was a phenomenal trip. Now back safely and headed to the village. Xoxo- Brie

Entrance to Gombe Stream National Park

Chimp Baby

Gombe Waterfall

Chimp Family

Me in Gombe. Notice the chimps right behind me.

Me on Jane's Peak

In Gombe

Gombe Stream- Jane Goodall's Chimpanzee research place

Looking out from Jane's Peak

Baboon Family

Beach at Gombe Stream National Park

Village on the way to Gombe

Looking down into the boat at the littboy who fell asleep on my backpack


How very Jackie O. of me

Kate and I

Port in Kigoma

Boy fetching water

Inside the boat before it was packed with people

Kigoma at sunset

Sunset over the Democratic Republic of Congo

Kate hoping to pay our taxi driver with Crystal Light

Jessi and Kate

Lake T

Swimming pool overlooking Lake Tanganyika

Looking out toward the Congo

Kate and Jessi in Kigoma Town


Lake Tanganyika and Kigoma

Arriving at the Kigoma airport
Beautiful pictures. I think I saw some of my family hiding in the bush.Looks like another great adventure for you with lots of wonderful stories to tell. How will America have all these crazy times..You will have to go back to behaving like grown ups when you come home. UGH..What a drag. Living on the wild side for a few more months. Have fun and be safe. Hugs
Wow, Brie this looks awesome! I am loving living vicariously through you with all your fun adventures!
Are you willing to help me, a graduate student in University of Minnesota, understand the electrical needs of the people in Tanzania?
You got great pictures Brie! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. I recognized Jane's observation spot from your picture. It must of been a wonderful feeling to be sitting there. Love you!
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