Me... Aren't I angelic?

Me with a new 'do and a lot of attitude

Mama Johnson and Johnson

Mjemah and Monika, taking a break from paper grading

Mwalimu Monika (Mama Latifah)


Mwalimu Msanga and Mwalimu Vakinka (Mama Lau)

Msanga (Katherine and Rebecca's Baba Mdogo- Uncle and caretaker)

Mwalimu Simon (Baba Lau) Love this man. He is only 30 but reminds me so much of my own dad sometimes...

A child

Kathrine (left) and a friend.

Kids after school getting ready to work. What looks like sticks are hoes... it is farming time.

Mwalimu Mjemah (Baba Anna), as per usual, cracking me up...

Our outdoor grading table. Around the table from the left- Mledwa, Mary, Juster, Simon, Mwalango, Monika, Msanga, and Vakinga


Kids at school. If they are not in uniform they are too young or cannot afford to go.

Atu, age 6. My Mwalimu Mkuu and Mwalimu Anita's Daughter.

Clavel, Mchumba Wangu, (My Fiance). He told his Mom that when he grew up he was going to marry me. I am super lucky! Isn't he adorable!

Clavel, Age 3 and Lau, Age 4. If both sets of your parents were teachers and you were too young for school you would probably join the "Lost Boys" too...

My female teachers- Mwalimu Monika (Mama Latifah, squatting), Mwalimu Jen, Mwalimu Mary, Mwalimu Vakinga (Mama Lau), Mwalimu Anita (Mama Atu), and Mwalimu Juster. Not Pictured: Mwalimu Mtitu (Mama Clavel) and Me.

The ladies I spend most of my time with....

Mwalimu Vakinga, Me (the white one), and Mwalimu Mary


My Darasa Sita A Class. Yep, that is right, I try to teach these kids...

Lau, up close and personal. This kid's favorite thing to do is crawl all over me.

Katherine and Kimulimuli.

My friends

Me, Rocking out at home

My picture wall!

My bed and new paint job...

My super great wardrobe made by my talented fundi (Carpenter) Killian... The days of a suitcase are over!

Mwalimu Mledwa

My Cow... Chillin'
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